China-Related Cross-Border Trade Dispute Resolution
China-Related Cross-Border Trade Dispute Resolution

Registration for taxation of Entities and taxation of Incomes in Nigeria Contd

On the other hand, corporate taxes payable for each year of assessment includes the payable sums upon the profits of any company accruing in, derived from, brought into, or received in, Nigeria.

China Recognizes Another German Bankruptcy Judgment in 2023

In 2023, a local court in Beijing ruled to recognize a German bankruptcy judgment in In re DAR (2022), marking the second time that Chinese courts have recognized German bankruptcy judgments, and the first time the de jure reciprocity – a new liberal test-being used in the enforcement of foreign judgments in China.

Can I Submit the Request for Judicial Assistance Online?-Service of Process and Hague Service Convention Series (8)

Yes. In order to facilitate judicial assistance in international civil and commercial matters, China’s Ministry of Justice launched an online Civil and Commercial Judicial Assistance System in 2019 at