China-Related Cross-Border Trade Dispute Resolution
China-Related Cross-Border Trade Dispute Resolution

Liability for Missing Goods at Chinese Ports in International Trade: A Case Study

In international trade, the disappearance of goods at Chinese ports raises questions about the party responsible for the loss. When goods arrive safely at a Chinese port but mysteriously vanish before the customer can claim them, who bears the burden of the resulting losses?

Who Should Sign on behalf of the Foreign Company the Contract with Chinese Companies?

Directors of foreign companies can sign contracts with Chinese counterparts, and the absence of the foreign company’s stamp won’t invalidate the contract, except in cases where specific agreements or the foreign company’s articles of association impose restrictions on the directors’ signing authority.

Can Default Interest Awarded by the Foreign Arbitral Tribunal Be Enforced in China?

Enforcement of default interest awards from foreign arbitral tribunals in China is possible if the arbitration rules give the tribunal discretion to award default interest, and a recent case demonstrates that Chinese courts will support such claims even in the absence of a specific contractual clause on the payment of default interest.

Guidelines for Conducting Due Diligence on Chinese Sellers in International Steel Trade

This guideline provides a comprehensive framework for buyers to perform due diligence on Chinese sellers before committing to contracts or making advance payments. It address common red flags such as customer complaints, fraudulent companies.