How Much Does It Cost to Register a Trademark in China?
How Much Does It Cost to Register a Trademark in China?

How Much Does It Cost to Register a Trademark in China?

How Much Does It Cost to Register a Trademark in China?

The minimum cost is USD 50 for trademark registration fees plus hundreds of dollars for agency fees.

If you want to register trademarks for more classes of goods, you will spend several times the minimum cost.

To register a trademark in China, you need to pay a trademark registration fee to China’s Trademark Office and pay an agency fee to the agent who applies for the trademark on your behalf.

1. The trademark registration fee

This is the fee charged by China’s Trademark Office.

The fee has a statutory rate and is the same for foreign companies and Chinese companies

For example:

(1) If you register a trademark for ten items of goods under a trademark class, the fee is CNY 300 (USD 50).

(2) For each additional item of goods, the Trademark Office will charge an additional CNY 30 (USD 5). Where the items of goods are fewer than ten, the Trademark Office shall still calculate the fee based on 10 items of goods.

(3) If you intend to register a trademark for goods under another class, the trademark registration fee under that class will be calculated separately.

2. The agency fee

This is the service fee charged by the trademark agency. Foreigners and foreign enterprises are required to entrust trademark agencies to apply for trademark registration in China for them.

Trademark agencies can determine their own service fees. In most cases, you will only have to pay a few hundred dollars.

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Photo by Bangyu Wang on Unsplash

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