Guidelines for Conducting Due Diligence on Chinese Sellers in International Steel Trade
Guidelines for Conducting Due Diligence on Chinese Sellers in International Steel Trade

Guidelines for Conducting Due Diligence on Chinese Sellers in International Steel Trade

Guidelines for Conducting Due Diligence on Chinese Sellers in International Steel Trade

In the realm of international steel trade, conducting thorough due diligence on Chinese sellers is paramount to mitigating risks, ensuring counterparties’ credibility, and safeguarding the interests of buyers. This guideline provides a comprehensive framework for buyers to perform due diligence on Chinese sellers before committing to contracts or making advance payments. The guideline addresses common red flags such as customer complaints, fraudulent companies, recent establishment, and non-existence, emphasizing the significance of extensive research and verification.

1. Customer Complaints

a. Investigate customer feedback: Gather information from reliable sources such as industry forums, trade associations, or professional networks to identify companies with frequent customer complaints. Pay attention to recurring issues like poor product quality, delayed deliveries, or unethical business practices.

b. Engage with existing customers: Contact the seller’s current customers to obtain their firsthand experiences. Inquire about the seller’s reliability, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction with their products and services.

c. Request references: Ask the seller to provide references from previous customers or business partners. Reach out to these references to validate the seller’s reputation, reliability, and track record.

2. Fraudulent Companies

a. Verify company details: Conduct thorough research on the seller’s company information, including registered address, contact details, and registration documents. Cross-check this information with reputable business directories, government databases, or commercial credit agencies to ensure consistency and legitimacy.

b. Assess company structure: Evaluate the company’s organizational structure, ownership, and management. Identify any unusual or suspicious patterns, such as multiple companies sharing the same address or individuals associated with fraudulent activities in the past.

c. Conduct background checks: Engage investigative services or consult legal professionals to perform background checks on the seller’s key personnel, directors, or shareholders. This helps identify any red flags, criminal records, or involvement in fraudulent activities.

3. Recent Establishment

a. Assess industry experience: Consider the seller’s industry experience and track record. Evaluate their knowledge, expertise, and understanding of the steel market. A well-established and experienced company is generally more reliable than a recently formed one.

b. Review financial stability: Analyze the seller’s financial stability by reviewing their financial statements, credit ratings, or bank references. Assess their ability to fulfill orders and handle potential financial challenges. A stable financial position indicates a higher likelihood of reliable operations.

4. Non-Existence

a. Physical verification: Whenever possible, conduct physical verification of the seller’s premises by visiting their office or manufacturing facilities. This helps ensure that the company has a physical presence and the capability to fulfill orders.

b. Contact local authorities: Reach out to local authorities or regulatory bodies in the seller’s jurisdiction to verify the company’s existence, licensing, and compliance with legal requirements. Request any available public records or information that can confirm the legitimacy of the seller.

5. Additional Due Diligence Measures

a. Trade references: Request trade references from other companies in the industry who have engaged in business with the seller. Contact these references to gain insights into their experiences and assess the seller’s reliability.

b. Online research and social media: Conduct online research and review the seller’s online presence, including their website, social media profiles, and online reviews. Look for any negative feedback, disputes, or warning signs that could indicate potential risks.

c. Legal advice: Seek legal counsel from professionals experienced in international trade and contract law. They can provide guidance on legal obligations, risk assessment, and help identify any contractual clauses or safeguards to protect buyer interests.


Conducting due diligence on Chinese sellers in international steel trade is essential for buyers to minimize risks and ensure reliable and trustworthy business partnerships. By following the guidelines outlined above, buyers can gather comprehensive information, verify the legitimacy of sellers, and make informed decisions based on reliable data. Remember, thorough due diligence is an ongoing process, and periodic reassessment of sellers is recommended to maintain a secure and sustainable business relationship.

Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash

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